
We run our confirmation process from one year over into the next, from the start 2nd school term of the one year to the end of the 1st school term the following year.This allows the  leaders to commit to one staggered year and a continuation for the disciples in there faith journey.

 Confirmation Vs Discipleship

In the past we have had big confirmation services but it seams to be a graduation so we will be moving away from the big graduation type service to a smaller but more meaningful service that would happen on any Communion Sunday when a young person feels they are spiritually mature and ready to get confirmed. This gives the young person the responsibility for his or her own Christian walk in the ongoing process of discipleship.

I do believe in the great commission that we are called to make disciples and this for me will have a greater retention rate than the way we have been doing confirmation. 
Below are some pics from Camp 2011 which we shared with Church Street Methodist Church in Somerset West.

Camp 2011